

Singapore Sleep Review 2024 Issue 3

In this issue:
- SSS new Executive committee elected

- Mapping sleep medicine training in Asia

- Screening for OSA in pediatric obesity

- Sleep variability as a risk factor for cardiovascular health

- Sleep associations with physical and mental quality of life


Singapore Sleep Review 2024 Issue 2

In this issue:
- SSS joins the World Sleep Society

- Mandibular advancement and CPAP for OSA and hypertension

- Sleep restriction with stable or variable sleep duration affects performance

- Smartphone usage before sleep

- Class schedules, sleep, and performance


Singapore Sleep Review 2024 Issue 1

In this issue:
- OSA and mental health issues

- Sleep interventions improve mental health

- The short Sleep Health and Wellness Questionnaire

- Sleep-related problems and pediatric anxiety disorders

- Sleep as a risk factor for adolescent depression


Singapore Sleep Review 2023 Issue 4

In this issue:
- Sleep regularity predicts mortality

- Night-to-night variability in OSA severity linked to hypertension

- Hour-to-hour variability in respiratory sleep indices associated with blood pressure

- Sleep duration and variability in students predict mental readiness

- Sleep variability in adolescents predicts mood


Singapore Sleep Review 2023 Issue 3

In this issue:
- How does night shift work affect medical decision making?

- Sleep apnea associated with risk for cognitive decline

- At-home diagnosis of OSA can reduce waiting time and costs

- Mindfulness-based therapy as treatment for insomnia

- Insomnia and workplace productivity loss

- Working from home and sleep

- Consumer sleep trackers show global differences in sleep patterns 


Singapore Sleep Review 2023 Issue 2

In this issue:
- Lived experiences of OSA patients reveal impacts on quality of life

- Targeted hypoglossal nerve stimulation is a promising treatment for OSA

- Sleep problems in midlife Singaporean women

- Short sleep duration in school- aged children

- Early class start times impair sleep and academic performance

- Nightly sleep duration predicts grade point average in the first year of college


Singapore Sleep Review 2023 Issue 1

In this issue:
- Sleep Quality and Burnout in Singapore Healthcare workers

- Targeted hypoglossal nerve stimulation is a promising treatment for OSA

- Blinded Hypnotic Tapering Strategy to Promote Hypnotic Discontinuation

- Portable evaluation of obstructive sleep apnea in adults

- The Benefits of a Midday Nap


Research from our members

Circadian regulation of breath alcohol concentration

Rukmini et al. 2021 SLEEP

Alcohol is one of the most widely used and abused drugs. It is therefore important to understand factors that impact alcohol physiology. There is mixed evidence regarding the role of the human circadian clock in regulating blood alcohol levels. Prior work has been limited to very small sample sizes with limited testing over the circadian cycle. Here, we demonstrate significant circadian rhythms for breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) responses under highly controlled laboratory conditions. In normally entrained individuals, peak BrAC values increased during the night. This has potential implications for alcohol-related traffic fatalities which occur most frequently at night, as well as risk of alcohol toxicity. Future studies should test whether circadian variation in alcohol physiology impacts human health and safety.


School closure during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic – Impact on children's sleep

Lim et al. 2021 Sleep Medicine

- Children slept longer when learning moved to the home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- A later start time for daily academic activities resulted in longer sleep duration.
- Early school start times have an impact on limiting children's sleep duration.
- A shift to later school start times should be considered to facilitate increased sleep for children.


Cognitive effects of split and continuous sleep schedules in adolescents differ according to total sleep opportunity

Lo et al. 2020 SLEEP

Splitting sleep into main nocturnal period and a daytime nap has been shown to mitigate deterioration in adolescents’ basic cognitive functions when total sleep opportunity over 24 h is less than recommended (i.e. 6.5 h). With total sleep opportunity at 8 h—the minimum recommended, we found that a split sleep schedule with 6.5-h nocturnal sleep and a 1.5-h nap achieved similar performance in basic cognitive tasks, subjective alertness, and mood as the nocturnal sleep only schedule. Our findings suggest that adopting a split sleep schedule in this manner may be a plausible option for adolescents unable to obtain sufficient sleep at night.


Articles for medical professionals
  1. Polysomnography (PSG): Indications, Technique & Sleep Scoring - Polysomnography (PSG) is the monitoring of physiological parameters and physiological or pathological events ...
  2. Restless Legs Syndrome & Periodic Limb Movement Disorder - Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a common, distressing and treatable disorder ...
  3. Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypoventilation Syndrome - Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypoventilation Syndrome (OSAHS) is increasingly being recognised ...
Articles for the public
  1. Polysomnography (Sleep Studies) - A sleep study or polysomnogram (PSG) is a multiple-component test ...
  2. How to get a good night's sleep - Sleep Is Important for Wellbeing. Most of us have experienced ...
